Monday, May 12, 2008

A little Boy's Thoughts of a Blue Line

Written May12/08 8:02PM

So I went to the beach today with Sophie, a supervisor from PCW, and her family. When we got there I was more than taken back by the beauty of the coast, almost as if I could have turned around and caught someone snapping a photo for a postcard. I have been to many water fronts before but I don't think i can remember catching such a clear view of what seemed to be the edge of the earth. I took in the infinite look of the horizon and wondered how any artist was ever able to capture the depth of this distinct line. Then found it further interesting that without even realizing you always could tell where the blue of the earth ended and the blue of the heavens took over and for a split second I sympathized with Galileo and could have sworn against the circular formation of the earth. I think that little boy was thinking the same..


Anonymous said...

Life is for the living, but this truly takes form when one stops and marvels at the beauty which God has created. At times, we look to the heavens and ask God to show us happiness, but we look passed the immeasurable beautiful in the sky. I am excited to hear that my sister is taking-in the natural beauty that the earth provides to us. Keep enjoying and keep growing.


Anonymous said...

As a Bajan it is interesting to see how others admire things that we can miss. Growing up and seeing the coast almost everyday we never really take the time to observe how beautiful it can be. Only when away (i.e. overseas) for sometime we grow to appreciate what we have taken for granted all along.

Cin said...

oh the sea!!! beautiful your picture! and you describe it so well...looking forward to your next post! luv the way you write.